human to humans partnership entrepreneurship hub
Ismail, director of ES.MAROC.ORG, a social entrepreneur accelerator in Morocco.

Become a part of a passionate ESG-focused community.

The H-Accelerator

Genuine Human Connections

humans-to-humans-coffee-chat-cohort-h-accelerator-impact for impact students

The H-Accelerator is a virtual program that connects top tier students with impact entrepreneurs in emerging economies. As a team, they propel the venture to the next level.


We help do.

We partner with top universities and entrepreneurship hubs worldwide

Join our young worldwide ESG community

We are eager to work together

In less than 2 years and a half, we accelerated 46 companies across Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa and built an international network of over 100+ students from world-class universities.


Give your students and entrepreneurs a chance to have an impact worldwide and join our young ESG community. 

students helping impact entrepreneurs from developing countries impact community

Let's bridge the gap between developed and emerging economies

Create synergies

Get exposure to people that want to change the world and connect with them in a glance. 

Create new opportunities

Give opportunities to your students and entrepreneurs to have a sustainable impact worlwide.

Join a lively young ESG community.

Our active community hosts weekly guest speaking events, synergies talks and coffee chats.

Do you know the saying "It takes a village to raise a child" ?

humans to humans impact entrepreneur community

There isn’t (yet) a saying about propelling social ventures in emerging markets – but there is a passionate community committed to it.



 We are inspired daily by our entrepreneurs, students, mentors, guest speakers, professors, investors, international organizations, nonprofits and corporations who are bold enough to take charge and pave the way forward.


We are eager to work together.

Our global ecosystem

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worldmap humans to humans impact community sustainable startups

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