Meet our team

Our diverse & international team works from the four corners of the globe. We connect virtually and jump through time zones daily. We work in a high intensity environment committed to making change happen today, not tomorrow.

humans to humans executive team
clemence burguier humans to humans founder

Clémence Bruguier


New York, USA

jesal patel humans to humans ceo

Jesal Patel

Executive Officer

New Jersey, USA

guillaume jeanrot humans to humans

Guillaume Jeanrot

Financial Officer

London, UK

lorena alfaro humans to humans impact community

Lorena Alfaro

Recruitment Officer

Barcelona, ES

takeya hilliard humans to humans core team

Takeya Hilliard 

Chief of Alumni Engagement Officer

Connecticut, USA

thibault sabouret african correpsondant for humans to humans

Thibault Sabouret

Field Partnership

Cape Town, SA

romain baud tech executive member humans to humans

Romain Baud

Technology Officer

Paris, FR

ginger ang humans to humans business operations

Ginger Ang

Business Operations

New York, USA

Emma Antoine Headshot

Emma Antoine 

Corporate Relations Officer

San Diego, USA

Our project supervisors 2022

disha madani project supervisor 2022 impact entrepreneur cohort

Disha Madani

Project Supervisor

Ahmedabad, India

Marina Peñéñory

Project Supervisor

New York, USA

chendan lupo project supervisor humans to humans impact community

Chendan Luo

Project Supervisor

Oxford, UK

alicja project supervisor humans to humans

Alicja Marchewka

Project Supervisor

Coventry, UK

woan yu lin project supervisor humans to humans impact cohort

Woan-Yu Lin

Project Supervisor

New York, USA

jeff kangacha project supervisor

Jeff Kangacha

Project Supervisor

Ithaca, USA

Want to join the team? Check out our open positions at Careers.

Our cheerleaders


Sandy Khaund

Board Member

San Francisco, USA

silvia von gunten board member of impact startup accelerator humans to humans

Silvia Von Guntun

Board Member

Boston, USA

david wu impact entrepreneurs

David Wu

Strategic Advisor

Washington DC, USA

Laura Frey strategic advisor san francisco humans to humans

Laura Frey

Strategic Adviser

San Francisco, USA

Walter Erike

Walter Erike

Strategic Advisor

Ithaca, USA